A competition against the self.


The Achievement Pin System is an exciting way for students to track their progress in archery. While archery in OAS is an excellent team sport, it is also an incredible and lifelong journey of competition against the self to achieve one’s personal best.

Pin Shoots

A Pin Shoot is a special shoot (typically during a practice day) that is designated ahead of time as an opportunity to earn pins. Pins can be earned during designated Pin Shoots, Championship Ranking Rounds (State or National), or the Mail-In Tournament (except for try-archery participants during the Mail-In Tournament).

Pin Shoot Submissions

Once you have completed your pin shoot or qualifying Ranking Round, you will need to submit your results through the OAS Registration site at www.oasquiver.com.

  1. Collect the score cards,

  2. Log into your account on www.oasquiver.com, and

  3. Select Events from the menu. Pin Shoots should be an option for registration with the current year.

  4. Complete this like a registration to submit your Pin Shoot results.

Purchasing Pins