Feeling Aligned?


Hey, OAS coaches! Need some new exercises to add to your virtual archery classes? This week, I have some great information on alignment that you may find helpful.

Alignment is one of the foundational aspects of Olympic recurve form. With correct alignment, archers rely more on bone structure than use of their muscles which will tire over time. Here's a great exercise your archers can use with a stretch band to get the feeling of correct alignment:

  • It may help to have a target or point of reference to look at to maintain head position during the exercise.

  • Begin with a stretch band in the "Set" position. Raise the stretch band into "Set Up." 

  • In lieu of drawing to the anchor point, raise the draw hand up over the head to rest just behind the ear on the same side as the bow arm. 

  • Hold this position and notice how the bow hand, forearm, upper arm, and shoulders feel. This is the feeling one should have when proper alignment is achieved.

IMG_1613 (1).jpg

Movement of the scapula is also crucial to achieving proper alignment on the draw side. Much of the power in one's shot comes from correct use of the scapula. Give this exercise on Scapular Mobility from Archery Rehab a try to familiarize your archers with this feeling!

To round it all out, share this post from the Online Archery Academy with your archers so they can see what proper alignment looks like! They can check their alignment by asking a relative to take a photo from overhead while they're at full draw (like in the post).  

I also wanted to take a moment to share a link to an article from the Search Institute on reminding our archers to be good citizens through current events. This is a great resource for examining how best to incorporate care and compassion into our lessons with regard for the state of our world.

Social Responsibility Begins Here: Use the Pandemic to Teach Your Kids to Be Good Citizens

May you all be safe, be well, stay healthy, and be creative in connecting with your archers during these ever-changing times! 


Stance, Posture and Head Position


2019 Fall Mail-in Results (Final)