Summer Archery at San Diego French American School
Looking to get your fill of archery this summer? Check out the “Around the World — Le Tour du Monde Summer Camp” at the San Diego French American School, one of our OAS schools.
Come and experience a new language this summer!!!
San Diego French-American School (SDFAS) offers a summer camp program that promotes and maintains language skills during the summer, to children 3 years old and up, with three main age groups: 3-5, 6-9, and 10 and up. Children are involved in a wide variety of fun-filled activities that are also educa-tional. “Le Tour du Monde” – Around the World Summer Camp provides a head start in the immersion experience by allowing children to acclimate to a new language environment or to maintain or improve the language. The camp is open to all children.
All of our instructors have strong backgrounds in language immersion pro-grams. We are also pleased to work with many partners whose competencies will fulfill our campers’ demands such as Surf, Play Well TEKnologies (LEGO), IncrediFlix, dance, archery, sports, swimming , theater, sewing and much more.
“Le Tour du Monde” – Around the world Summer Camp is a good introduction to the French language as well as another language such as English, Span-ish, Italian (NEW this year) and Chinese (Mandarin). These classes are conducted in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.
We look forward to working with your children this summer in a fun, exciting and educational atmosphere.
Valérie Asensi